Mon Sep 13 02:15:47 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- * Release selfcontrol-0.9 * Active Blocks menuitem - Shows the longest acting blocks and optionally with a sudoers entry will show only the currently active blocks like you think it would... * About menuitem - At least gives a version number and a link to the SelfControl for Linux Homepage. * (Re)Boot-time block save/restore included in the package version. Mon Aug 16 19:55:00 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- * Figured out enough of debian package stuff to make a real package. Install and system config of icons/desktop/init working as expected. * Changed package name to 'selfcontrol' instead of 'libselfcontrol-perl'. Tue Aug 10 19:21:15 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Woot! bugs. (at least people are trying it.) * iptables v1.3.8 (and others maybe) don't support '-S' option to show chains. v1.4.4 does. No big deal, still works just gave a couple error messages. Those errors are now hidden. * Rather annoying, default Ubuntu doesn't have a save/restore iptables on shutdown/reboot. I just assumed it did (CentOS does :P) Fixed but takes a bit of manual work from the Terminal. wget sudo cp /etc/init.d/selfcontrol sudo mkdir /etc/selfcontrol sudo update-rc.d selfcontrol defaults sudo /etc/init.d/selfcontrol stop # no need to 'start' again. That's it, ripped it off from from the iptables-persistent package, but that version didn't save before shutdown, just restored from a file on reboot. (it's just an iptables-save and iptables-restore wraped up in an init script.) Sun Aug 8 11:34:33 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Now with sortable listing of active blocks. Needs some sudoers hacking. Sortable lists. Refactored down to a 63 line driver script with seperate modes for root vs. user stuff. Hope to add in a HTTP proxy mode as well. Next on the list is more clean/docs/test and adding in Whitelists with proxy redirection, saved favorite configurations, etc. Sat Aug 7 20:48:17 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Factoring continues into Root, Config, SelfControl Add syslogging Add menus Add about Add viewing active blocks (almost) Sat Aug 7 07:57:54 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Factored GUI stuff into SelfControl::UI. Got build to install icons and desktop file. Still will need to run 'desktop-file-install /usr/share/applications/selfcontrol.desktop' manually to get it added to the Applications->Internet menu. You can no longer just copy the main script to upgrade, modules do things now. Thu Aug 5 12:03:10 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Updated config file version (automatic upgrade of old versions). Changed config file location detection to avoid having to use preserve environment on sudo (security sanity). Block time now in hours/minutes (5 minute interval), slider gives pretty value display. Thu Aug 5 08:30:48 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Added a rough /etc/hosts file hijack. Hosts given as a name ( instead of just an IP are added to the hosts file at That address is chosen to not interfere with any real servers running on the usual (localhost) address. Future plans will probably match on the address via iptables rules to redirect to a localhost:8888 or something web proxy for whitelist and/or just nagging the user who tries anyway. This should help a bit with hosts that change DNS info often either round-robin or dynamic. iptables can't do this as it's in the application layer vs the network layer. Thanks to Eric Kow for the request. Mon Aug 2 11:44:16 UTC 2010 ---------------------------- Looking better for a good whitelist functionality. Found and tested a bit of the HTTP::Proxy module for a forced server. And found out iptables module ipt_owner which allows rules to match based on the owner of the socket connecting. This should be enough to block the user without interfering with system functions (DHCP/NTP). So we can DNAT to a local proxy server running as root.